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The Best English Parsley Sauce Recipe to Make a Delicious Meal

Parsley Sauce Recipe

Parsley Sauce Recipe | Hermagic

My classic handmade parsley sauce recipe is simple to prepare and goes well with ham, fish, or vegetables. Discover how to prepare this traditional English sauce! This sauce is a classic English dish commonly served with children’s school dinners back in the day. The parsley sauce recipe is simple to create at home and only takes around 10 minutes to prepare. I also prefer it to the retail package since you have complete control over what goes into it, with no preservatives or unknown additives. This easy DIY condiment does not require any particular skills. Parsley sauce, a British staple, is excellent but has gone out of favor in our quest for new dishes from around the world. It is a pity. Not only does parsley sauce taste delicious, but it is also quick and easy to make and elevates even the most basic foods. The modest parsley sauce recipe has gotten a bad rap, and I believe dry packet mixes are to blame. They are handy but not worth the work, and the ingredient list is frequently perplexing. Why would you use them when making a simple homemade parsley sauce recipe?

What Is Parsley Sauce?

Parsley sauce is just a white or béchamel sauce with a generous amount of chopped fresh parsley mixed in. It’s great with white fish, fishcakes, gammon (ham), or even steamed veggies. You may also look for a Parsley Sauce Recipe on Gousto.

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Parsley Sauce Ingredients

Parsley Sauce Ingredients

Parsley Sauce Ingredients | Hermagic

  • It makes no difference whether the butter is salted or unsalted.
  • Flour – standard or gluten-free white flour, plain or self-raising (but not strong bread flour).
  • Fresh Use what you have of parsley, flat or curly leaf.
  • Optional
  • English Mustard – adds a little zing to the parsley sauce recipe when served with ham.
  • Lemon – gives some extra flavour when combined with the parsley and is very tasty when filled with fish.
  • Cream – Adding a splash of cream towards the end creates a more sumptuous sauce for dinner parties.

How to Make Parsley Sauce

How to Make Parsley Sauce

How to Make Parsley Sauce | Hermagic

Before you begin, please read my systematic instructions so that you can do this precisely every time.

Krok první

To begin, cut the parsley. Remove the majority of the stalks and coarsely chop. You may do this on a board with a sharp knife or put the leaves in a cup and cut them up with scissors.

Helen’s No-Fuss Tip

Freeze the parsley stems and return to the saucepan to make stock or soup. They have manyflavours.

Step Two

In a medium saucepan, melt the butter over medium to low heat. If using mustard powder, combine it with the flour.

Step Three

It is critical to cook the roux properly. Otherwise, the parsley sauce recipe would taste like flour. You may make the sauce using a spoon or a whisk; I like silicon spatula spoons since they are fantastic for scraping the bottom and edges of the pan!

Step Four

Add the milk gently at first, a drip at a time, stirring well each time before adding more. It will assist in avoiding lumps. If the sauce does have bumps, put it through a fine mesh sieve, pressing it through with the back of a spoon. If you must do so, filter the sauce before adding the parsley!

Step Five

Simmer for a few minutes. Continue to stir constantly. You want a sauce that is thin enough to pour but not too thick. Add additional milk if necessary. When done, a glossy sauce should coat the back of a spoon.

Step Six

Season with pepper and salt to taste, and stir in the finely cut parsley.  You may also add mustard, lemon, and cream at this point.

Step Seven

The sauce will remain heated in the pan for 15-20 minutes. If you need to leave it for longer, add a circle of buttered parchment or greaseproof paper to prevent skin from developing.

Serving Suggestion

Serving Suggestion

Serving Suggestion | Hermagic

The sauce will remain heated in the pan for 15-20 minutes. If you need to leave it for longer, add a circle of buttered parchment or greaseproof paper to prevent skin from developing.


  • This sauce pairs well with other lush green herbs. Try tarragon, chervil, coriander (cilantro), or a mix of these herbs. You might also use carrot tops.
  • If serving with boiling ham or gammon, replace up to half of the milk with ham stock. (Try a little amount first because ham stock might be pretty salty.)
  • If you’re poaching fish in milk, save the milk for the sauce to ensure a consistent flavour.
  • Top a vegetable or fish gratin with finely shredded strong cheese, such as cheddar, grana Padano, or parmesan.


Refrigerate leftover parsley sauce in a sealed jar for a few days. When ready to use, gently reheat, adding more milk if necessary. I don’t advocate freezing since it will affect the texture. It is always preferable to start over. It will be considerably more lively. If you have an abundance of parsley, you may freeze it in bags or cartons. After frozen, rapidly chop it up and place it back in the freezer. Add to the sauce in stage six, as described above.

Traditional English Parsley Sauce

Traditional English Parsley Sauce

Traditional English Parsley Sauce | Hermagic

A traditional parsley sauce recipe is simple and goes well with ham, fish, or vegetables. Learn how to cook this traditional English dish!


  • A bunch of fresh parsley (about 15g)
  • 25 g of butter
  • 25 g of flour
  • 250 mL of milk
  • Seasoned with salt and pepper


  • One teaspoon mustard
  • One tablespoon double cream
  • Two teaspoons of lemon juice


  • Remove the majority of the stalks from the parsley and finely cut it.
  • A bunch of fresh parsley
  • In a medium saucepan over medium to low heat, melt the butter. When the butter has melted, stir in the flour.
  • 25 g of butter, 25 g of flour
  • Stir in the flour until it forms a thick paste or roux. Then cook for a few minutes, stirring constantly. Thoroughly cook the roux. Otherwise, the sauce may have a floury flavour.
  • Begin gradually adding the milk, a little at a time, stirring thoroughly after each addition to form a smooth paste. You can add more milk when the mixture thickens into a sauce.
  • 250 mL of milk
  • Simmer for a few minutes to allow the sauce to thicken. Continue to stir constantly. To ensure uniform consistency and avoid burning, scrape the edges and bottom of the pan where the sauce will thicken faster.
  • Season with pepper and salt to taste, and stir in the finely cut parsley. If you’re using mustard, lemon, or cream, add them now.
  • A pinch of fresh parsley, salt and pepper
  • The sauce will remain heated in the pan for 15-20 minutes. If you need to leave it for a more extended period, add a circle of buttered parchment or greaseproof paper to prevent skin from developing.


So, its actually very easy to make a mouth-watering parsley sauce using the Gousto recipes. So, order the recipe box now and also let us know in the comment section if you need any other recipes in particular or if you have a better recipe to make a homemade parsley sauce. Hermagické is happy to share a plethora of information with its readers.


Why is my parsley sauce bland?
Parsley, like cilantro and other green herbs, loses much of its taste when dried, resulting in a bland sauce.
Can I use dried parsley instead of fresh in parsley sauce?
Dried parsley is not an acceptable alternative to fresh parsley, especially in this recipe. Parsley, like cilantro and other green herbs, loses much of its taste when dried, resulting in a bland sauce.
How long can I keep parsley sauce in the fridge?
You can refrigerate leftover homemade parsley sauce for up to 2 days.
Why is my parsley sauce lumpy?
The key is to scrape the lumps out of the first butter and flour mixture, cook it for a few minutes, and then wholly combine the milk into the butter and flour using a balloon whisk. You will have a beautiful sauce if you make sure there are no lumps at any stage.

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