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Health & Wellness

It’s Great to Temporarily Cut the Social Media Cord. Here’s Why!

It may sound absurd to some of us, but the very thought of taking a self-imposed sabbatical from social media may be considered anathema to so many people who dwell amongst us. Yes, you know who you are! Some of us know that there’s a time, and indeed a place for social media, but there are still others to whom the line between real life and social media is so very blurred. Now, whether you are glued to social media all the livelong day or simply an occasional pursuer, it does make sense to temporarily cut the cord for a complete clutch of concrete reasons!

Go on, step away from that selfie-stick, stop composing that oh so witty Tweet, and quit stalking that ahem… someone on Insta, and listen to what we have to say!

Regain perspective

When you take a sabbatical from social media, you can gain a whole new perspective that is so otherwise influenced, and dare we say, tainted by social media. It’s only when we put a bit of space between social media and ourselves that we realize that it is all too easy to get caught up in the seemingly perfect and sanitized portrayals of people’s lives. We could do without its influence as it pushes us to keep up with the Joneses, and when we can’t, it ensures that we feel inadequate and down in the dumps. For most of us, it’s a battle we can’t win, but then again why would you want to? What’s more, with this new perspective, we can set off in pursuit of real, worthwhile and wholesome things!

Do more!:

Sure, you may not hit your Tweet goals for the day or may miss some great content on the social interwebs, but soon you’ll realize that there’s a lot more to be done! Besides, there’s a whole lot of time in which to do it all in. Now, you can easily eke out some time to catch up with the family or friends— take the kids to the zoo, do some DIY around the house, and well, anything else you might fancy! You’ll discover time you never knew you had, and soon enough, you might even consider letting go of social media for good!

Offline connections:

Meeting people in the real world and making real connections may seem rather novel for those of us in the death grip of social media. However, we do recommend it to everyone, and soon you will discover that the connections and reconnections you make offline are the ones that truly last. In fact, they are built to last, on a sure and real foundation no less! So go on, get social offline today!

Wrest the initiative and rest up!

Hands up those of us who put the phone down only when we are dead-tired at night, only to pick it up first thing in the morning (beleaguered and blurry-eyed) to see what’s going on in our social media construct? Consequently, we get so caught up with social media at the very start of the day that we’re left to play catch up with what’s left of it! That’s not all, however, because we devote so much time and energy to social media, we end up losing valuable sleep and rest! So wrest the initiative, take a break from this corrosive lifestyle and rest up – your body and mind will thank you for it!

Independent thought:

Taking a break from social media allows us to spend so much time with ourselves and ‘within’ ourselves. No longer are we guided, shepherded and herded by what people are saying on there. Instead, we can think for ourselves, draw our own conclusions, make our own decisions without having to conform and go with the crowd. It gives us the rare opportunity for independent thought, and gives us the chance to think and act individually, unlike so many sheeple that surround us!


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